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Like A Star | Fly Project
... (Object) stdClass
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
type (String, 5 characters ) album
language (String, 0 characters )
uid (String, 1 characters ) 3
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vid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
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title (String, 25 characters ) Like A Star | Fly Project
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data (String, 159 characters ) a:4:{s:13:"form_build_id";s:48:"form-Kc6XLKf00X...
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cost (String, 7 characters ) 0.00000
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path (String, 34 characters ) music/fly-project/star-fly-project
field_image_album_art (Array, 1 element)
0 (Array, 12 elements)
fid (String, 5 characters ) 13557
uid (String, 1 characters ) 3
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timestamp (String, 10 characters ) 1453700003
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list (String, 1 characters ) 1
data (Array, 2 elements)
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
field_date_release (Array, 1 element)
0 (Array, 4 elements)
value (NULL)
timezone (String, 11 characters ) Asia/Manila
timezone_db (String, 11 characters ) Asia/Manila
date_type (String, 4 characters ) date | (Callback) date();
field_text_album_catalogue (Array, 1 element)
field_text_nfs (Array, 1 element)
field_ref_artist (Array, 1 element)
field_text_ref_artist_dname (Array, 1 element)
field_text_decade (Array, 1 element)
field_text_teaser (Array, 1 element)
field_text_artist_generic (Array, 1 element)
0 (Array, 3 elements)
value (String, 334 characters ) <span style="font-size: medium; color...
<span style="font-size: medium; color: #ffcc00;"><strong>GENRE:<strong><strong> Dance, Electro/House</strong></strong></strong></span> <span style="color: #ffcc00;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>AVAILABLE FORMAT:</strong></span> <span style="font-size: large;"><strong>DIGITAL ALBUM</strong></span></span>
format (String, 1 characters ) 2
safe (String, 350 characters ) <p> </p> <p><span style="font-size: medium...
<p> </p> <p><span style="font-size: medium; color: #ffcc00;"><strong>GENRE:<strong><strong> Dance, Electro/House</strong></strong></strong></span></p> <p><span style="color: #ffcc00;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><strong>AVAILABLE FORMAT:</strong></span> <span style="font-size: large;"><strong>DIGITAL ALBUM</strong></span></span></p>
pricing_bulk_song (Array, 8 elements)
7451 (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
product_id (String, 4 characters ) 7451
bulk_price (String, 4 characters ) 0.99
7452 (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
product_id (String, 4 characters ) 7452
bulk_price (String, 4 characters ) 0.99
7453 (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
product_id (String, 4 characters ) 7453
bulk_price (String, 4 characters ) 0.99
7454 (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
product_id (String, 4 characters ) 7454
bulk_price (String, 4 characters ) 0.99
7455 (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
product_id (String, 4 characters ) 7455
bulk_price (String, 4 characters ) 0.99
7456 (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
product_id (String, 4 characters ) 7456
bulk_price (String, 4 characters ) 0.99
7457 (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
product_id (String, 4 characters ) 7457
bulk_price (String, 4 characters ) 0.99
7458 (Object) stdClass
vid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
product_id (String, 4 characters ) 7458
bulk_price (String, 4 characters ) 0.99
pricing_group (String, 16 characters ) album_cd_special
taxonomy (Array, 4 elements)
72 (Object) stdClass
tid (String, 2 characters ) 72
vid (String, 1 characters ) 2
name (String, 13 characters ) Digital album
description (String, 35 characters ) Dyna Music's Digital album category
weight (String, 1 characters ) 1
v_weight_unused (String, 1 characters ) 0
12 (Object) stdClass
tid (String, 2 characters ) 12
vid (String, 1 characters ) 1
name (String, 5 characters ) Dance
description (String, 0 characters )
weight (String, 1 characters ) 7
v_weight_unused (String, 1 characters ) 0
73 (Object) stdClass
tid (String, 2 characters ) 73
vid (String, 1 characters ) 1
name (String, 18 characters ) Electronic / House
description (String, 0 characters )
weight (String, 1 characters ) 8
v_weight_unused (String, 1 characters ) 0
15 (Object) stdClass
tid (String, 2 characters ) 15
vid (String, 1 characters ) 3
name (String, 7 characters ) Foreign
description (String, 65 characters ) Dyna Music's term for Foreign or International ...
Dyna Music's term for Foreign or International Artists and Albums
weight (String, 1 characters ) 0
v_weight_unused (String, 1 characters ) 2
shipping_type (String, 13 characters ) small_package
shipping_address (Object) stdClass
first_name (String, 0 characters )
last_name (String, 0 characters )
company (String, 0 characters )
phone (String, 0 characters )
street1 (String, 0 characters )
street2 (String, 0 characters )
city (String, 0 characters )
country (String, 3 characters ) 608
zone (String, 0 characters )
postal_code (String, 0 characters )
uuid (String, 36 characters ) c135be11-03c3-11eb-bd48-ac1f6b779704
revision_uuid (String, 36 characters ) dc665d7e-03c3-11eb-bd48-ac1f6b779704
nodewords (Array, 2 elements)
description (Array, 1 element)
value (String, 0 characters )
keywords (Array, 1 element)
value (String, 0 characters )
build_mode (Integer) 0
readmore (Boolean) FALSE
content (Array, 12 elements)
body (Array, 2 elements)
display_price (Array, 3 elements)
model (Array, 3 elements)
list_price (Array, 3 elements)
cost (Array, 3 elements)
sell_price (Array, 3 elements)
weight (Array, 3 elements)
dimensions (Array, 3 elements)
add_to_cart (Array, 3 elements)
#value (String, 6966 characters ) <div class="add-to-cart"><form action="/node/74...
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class="first jplayer_playlist_item_first"><a href="/nopreview" title="Like a star (radio edit)">Like a star (radio edit)</a></li> <li><a href="/nopreview" title="Like a star (extended version)">Like a star (extended version)</a></li> <li><a href="/nopreview" title="Like a star (john rivas remix)">Like a star (john rivas remix)</a></li> <li><a href="/nopreview" title="Like a star (john rivas remix edit)">Like a star (john rivas remix edit)</a></li> <li><a href="/nopreview" title="Like a star (sllash remix)">Like a star (sllash remix)</a></li> <li><a href="/nopreview" title="Like a star (sllash remix edit)">Like a star (sllash remix edit)</a></li> <li><a href="/nopreview" title="Like a star (doppe remix edit)">Like a star (doppe remix edit)</a></li> <li class="last jplayer_playlist_item_last"><a href="/nopreview" title="Like a star (doppe remix)">Like a star (doppe remix)</a></li> </ul> </div> <div id="jplayer-view-song-1741024804-playlist-options" class="jp-playlist-options"> <ul> <li class="first jplayer_playlist_item_first"><a href="https://intl.dynamusic.com.ph/cart/add/p7451?destination=node%2F7450%2Fdevel%2Frender" class="jp-buy" title="Buy Like a star (radio edit)" rel="nofollow">Buy $0.00</a></li> <li><a href="https://intl.dynamusic.com.ph/cart/add/p7452?destination=node%2F7450%2Fdevel%2Frender" class="jp-buy" title="Buy Like a star (extended version)" rel="nofollow">Buy $0.00</a></li> <li><a href="https://intl.dynamusic.com.ph/cart/add/p7453?destination=node%2F7450%2Fdevel%2Frender" class="jp-buy" title="Buy Like a star (john rivas remix)" rel="nofollow">Buy $0.00</a></li> <li><a href="https://intl.dynamusic.com.ph/cart/add/p7454?destination=node%2F7450%2Fdevel%2Frender" class="jp-buy" title="Buy Like a star (john rivas remix edit)" rel="nofollow">Buy $0.00</a></li> <li><a href="https://intl.dynamusic.com.ph/cart/add/p7455?destination=node%2F7450%2Fdevel%2Frender" class="jp-buy" title="Buy Like a star (sllash remix)" rel="nofollow">Buy $0.00</a></li> <li><a href="https://intl.dynamusic.com.ph/cart/add/p7456?destination=node%2F7450%2Fdevel%2Frender" class="jp-buy" title="Buy Like a star (sllash remix edit)" rel="nofollow">Buy $0.00</a></li> <li><a href="https://intl.dynamusic.com.ph/cart/add/p7458?destination=node%2F7450%2Fdevel%2Frender" class="jp-buy" title="Buy Like a star (doppe remix edit)" rel="nofollow">Buy $0.00</a></li> <li class="last jplayer_playlist_item_last"><a href="https://intl.dynamusic.com.ph/cart/add/p7457?destination=node%2F7450%2Fdevel%2Frender" class="jp-buy" title="Buy Like a star (doppe remix)" rel="nofollow">Buy $0.00</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="jp-no-solution"> <span>Update Required</span> To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your <a href="http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/" rel="external">Flash plugin</a>. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear-both"></div> </div> <div class="add-to-cart-all"><a 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#access (Integer) 1
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field_image_album_art (Array, 6 elements)
field (Array, 11 elements)
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∞ (Recursion)
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items (Array, 1 element)
0 (Array, 7 elements)
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filepath (String, 49 characters ) sites/default/files/fly_project_-_like_a_star.jpg
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filesize (String, 6 characters ) 462862
status (String, 1 characters ) 1
timestamp (String, 10 characters ) 1453700003
origname (String, 29 characters ) fly_project_-_like_a_star.jpg
list (String, 1 characters ) 1
data (Array, 2 elements)
nid (String, 4 characters ) 7450
#delta (Integer) 0
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#theme (String, 40 characters ) imagecache_formatter_album_large_default
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∞ (Recursion)
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0 (String, 27 characters ) content_alter_extra_weights | (Callback) content_alter_extra_weights();
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title (Array, 3 elements)
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description (String, 17 characters ) Node module form.
weight (String, 3 characters ) -11
body_field (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 11 characters ) Description
description (String, 17 characters ) Node module form.
weight (String, 2 characters ) -3
revision_information (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 20 characters ) Revision information
description (String, 17 characters ) Node module form.
weight (String, 1 characters ) 4
author (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 21 characters ) Authoring information
description (String, 17 characters ) Node module form.
weight (String, 1 characters ) 3
options (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 18 characters ) Publishing options
description (String, 17 characters ) Node module form.
weight (String, 1 characters ) 5
menu (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 13 characters ) Menu settings
description (String, 17 characters ) Menu module form.
weight (String, 1 characters ) 2
taxonomy (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 8 characters ) Taxonomy
description (String, 21 characters ) Taxonomy module form.
weight (String, 3 characters ) -10
path (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 13 characters ) Path settings
description (String, 17 characters ) Path module form.
weight (String, 1 characters ) 6
shipping (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 8 characters ) Shipping
description (String, 23 characters ) Shipping settings form.
weight (String, 1 characters ) 1
base (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 19 characters ) Product information
description (String, 20 characters ) Product module form.
weight (String, 1 characters ) 0
nodewords (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 9 characters ) Meta tags
description (String, 19 characters ) Meta tags fieldset.
weight (Integer) 10
body (Array, 3 elements)
label (String, 11 characters ) Description
description (String, 28 characters ) Node description. (View tab)
weight (String, 2 characters ) -1
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